just trying to find out the best way to send parcels to people in Sri Lanka. our friends at the Neptune hotel are worried that things will be stolen from them. any suggestions or info on this if it happens would be greatfully appreciated.
posting parcels
I%26#39;ve sent many parcels over a few years and surprisingly ( to me ) I%26#39;ve never lost anything from any of them.
The down point is the cost in using the Uk post Office. I sent a parcel of games to an orphanage near Kandy, it weighed about 4 or 5 kilos and cost me nearly 拢80 to send.
Check out the P.O. weight limits before you pack anything. Not long ago, two parcels of two kilos were about a quarter of one parcel weighing four kilos.
Crazy, but thats the way they did it and I assume, still do.
posting parcels
I have posted a few parcels to Lanka an have had some go missing on there side
Just a small advice to inscrease your chance that they will receive your parcels. Don%26#39;t register it, if possible(?), if you register it means the parcel is valuable. And anyway registered or not, if the parcel is lost in sri lanka, you won%26#39;t find it again...
another way is to find somebody who can bring it for you...
Good luck!
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