hi we have booked to stop in the Bentota Beach from the 20june until the 11 July . I have read that there is a river and the sea . being a keen fisherman can I fish said river if I take my travel rod .
also how far to the local town as we like a walk around after eating and is there anything locally that should be visited ?or not . the railway station by the hotel can we travel on the train safely . we love shell fish lobster etc can any one recomend a restaurant that is good for sea food . I know it%26#39;s going to rain any idea how much, oh and if we need a brolly where can i get one LOL .
bentota area and other questions
You can fish both in the river and in the sea.
The local town, Aluthgama, is just over the bridge from Bentota, but if you want to walk around after eating dinner, it%26#39;s not a good idea as shops will be closed and the town deserted.
Close to Bentota you should visit the Turtle Project in Kosgoda (15 km to the south).
It%26#39;s quite safe to travel on the trains to the south and north up to Panadura (Colombo area can be a bit risky, though there has been no bomb blasts since early June). Trains are cheap, but usually crowded so standing is not an exception. Be aware that not all trains stop at Bentota Station. For express trains you may have to cross over to Aluthgama Station.
You can get good seafood at Golden Grill (2 mins walk from Bentota Beach Hotel) or at Wunderbar (10 mins by tuk tuk.
You will definitely encounter some hefty showers, usually late afternoons and evenings, but occasionally also early mornings. Brollies can be bought extremely cheap in Sri Lanka, so no need to bring one.
bentota area and other questions
Hans has got it all right just a quick note about getting around. Use the A/C busses they are fast ,clean and cheap. The shops are open till about 18.00 Hans and I call dinner this time as some brits call dinner lunch. Dont know why!
A great excursion from Bentota is the Bentota river tour which you can book in your hotel. We saw a lot of wild animals as river crocs, varanes, birds etc.
thank you for you advice it rely is apreaciated .
i have been to a lot of places and had what must be dozens of holidays but i am really looking forward to this one it have a sense of adventure about it for some reason considering im going to a civlised country with a anchent heratage ...... . Hans dinner is after 8pm not lunch which in my case when I%26#39;m on holiday doubles as breakfast ..... One last question i have been told the Gems are good value is this correct and if so where is the best place to visit .
The wife got wind of this so i better have a look
Hi again
For me dinner is also 8pm or later. The shops close around 7pm, only Cargill%26#39;s Food City stay open until 10pm.
Only book boat trips at your hotel if you don%26#39;t know how to get rid of your money. Contact to a boat driver, tuk tuk/taxi driver or even a beach boy will get you a better price.
Ratnapura is the mining area for the local gems, but you will find jewellers everywhere, esp. in and around tourist hotels. Be sure that the gems are approved by State Gem Corporation.
P.t. in hot and sunny Sri Lanka
HI again.
I have been looking at the currency I cant find it at the usual exchange places , whats the best thing to take? , are ATM;s available and do they take international cards , do i take Travelers cheques and if so where do i cash them ditto if i take Stirling , Can anybody recomend the name of a boat to charter for deep sea fishing and does any one have an idea of the cost ££££ . or will it be to rough in June / July ,
I%26#39;m sorry to be a pain but if I%26#39;m going to travel this far for 3 weeks and as i have never been there before . I need al the help i can get
Hi there,
Can%26#39;t help with the fishing, though Beruwala seems a good place to try (important fishing port).
Currency: bring sterling and change locally into Rupee, cannot get it abroad decently. TC%26#39;s are fine too and safer, but cost more depending on your bank. ATM%26#39;s are enough available, they take Maestro-enabled debit cards. E.g. Sampath Bank and Commercial Bank in Aluthgama which is close to Bentota.
All the best,
%26lt;Erik%26gt; %26amp; [Sandya]
HI i have just spent an hour doing a little research , I am now on the verge of canceling , Sand flies , malaria, several types of inoculations .one of which is Rabies which requires three injections . Please tell me I%26#39;m wrong here
Hi there.....
Ok, your wish is my command, you are WRONG !!
For a start, NO Malaria in Bentota, or most other parts of Sri Lanka that tourists are allowed to go to !
Rabies injections?????, hmmmm new one on me that you have to have injections to prevent Rabies !, ONLY prevention is not to get bitten by Rabid animals in first place, so.... leave ANY wild animal, stray dogs ect well alone, just as you would anywhere else.
Sand flies????, well Sri Lanka is surrounded by sand..., yes there are bound to be some around, but you can prevent being pestered by them simply by using an insect repellent, such as AUTAN, good as it gets, and keeps Mozzies away too.
You will be advised by your doctor, local nurse that some vaccinations are required, but this applies to most tropical countries anyway, Polio, Hep A/B, Tetanus ect, all free of charge via your local GP.
Hope this helps you, and does persuade you from cancelling....
Already looking at a return around end of March...., 20 minutes from Bentota...
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